Science Officer  

The alliance position taking care of Alliance Technologies. Special bonus – 20% faster research but the actual extent depends on the loyalty status.

For more information about science officer’s rights and benefits click here.


1. Special spy mission which allows you to receive reports about the location of different types of objects (special resources, colonies, trading and military posts, rally points) on the Global map.

2. A Technology that increases the possible distance for scouting missions from your Empire. Each level increases by 5 Imperial miles the maximum distance the spies reach.

For more information about Scouting click here.

Scouting Agent  

One of the skills available to the Emperors upon gaining a Governor level. Increases Scouting radius: Level 1: +4 Imperial Miles, Level 2: +6 Imperial Miles, Level 3: +10 Imperial Miles, Level 4: +15 Imperial Miles, Level 5: +25 Imperial Miles


A picture of the Global map that you make with the small camera icon at the upper right corner of the map. The image is automatically saved on your computer.


The period between the start of a realm and its end. The period during which all individual Empires and alliance holdings develop in an economic and military way and expand on the Global map. Season ends on a date fixed by Game of Emperors administration.

For more information about the end of a season click here.

Second Lieutenant  

Military rank conferred to players with 7 500-14 999 military points.

Second Sergeant  

Military rank conferred to player with 500-749 military points.

Secret agent  

One of the skills available to Governors upon leveling up. Grants bonus Counterespionage levels. Level 1: +1 level; Level 2: +2 levels; Level 3: +3 levels; Level 4: +4 levels; Level 5: +5 levels

Senior Leader  

Common name for all leaders in third loyalty stage.

Senior Lieutenant  

Military rank conferred to players with 22 500-34 999 military points.

Senior Officer  

Common name for all officers in third loyalty stage.

Senior Sergeant  

Military rank conferred to player with 1 500-2 999 military points.


Military rank conferred to player with 750-1 499 military points.

Siege Engine  

Siege Engines are dedicated Army Units whose primary function is to either bring down an attacked Fortress, or to destroy the enemy's Siege Engines. According to their place on the battlefield, the Siege Engines can have either Catapult or Demolitions type.

Siege Engines are best countered by Ballistae.

All Siege Engines are built at the Siege Workshop.

Common Unit Abilities:
+ Operating Crew

The currently existing Siege Engines are:
- Battering Ram
- Catapult
- Ballista
- Trebuchet

For details on Siege Engine stats, click here.

Siege Machines Maker  

One of the skills available to Governors upon leveling up. Decreases the Training time for all Siege Engine units. Level 1: -5% Training time; Level 2: -10% Training time; Level 3: -15% Training time; Level 4: -20% Training time; Level 5: -30% Training time

Siege Specialist  

One of the skills available to Generals upon leveling up. Increases the limit of Siege Engines which can attack a Fortress simultaneously. Level 1: +2% limit; Level 2: +4% limit; Level 3: +6% limit; Level 4: +10% limit; Level 5: +15% limit

Siege Upgrades  

A military research that grants +3% to the attack and the hit points of siege machines. Necessary for more elite units.
Maximum level taken into account - 50 (total sum of individual and alliance levels).

Siege Workshop  

Military Building.
Type: Local, Training
Prerequisite Technologies: Military Doctrine 1, Ranged Attack 1
Maximum Level: 20

Allows the training and upgrade of Siege Engines. Each level increases the Training Capacity of the building.

Units that can be trained include:
- Battering Ram
- Catapult
- Ballista
- Trebuchet

Silenced player  

A user who has temporarily lost the right to send messages and post profile comments due to one or several messages with abusive content reported by the respective receiver(s). A player can be silenced for 24h (for the first abusive message/comment), 168h (for the second abusive message/comment) and for an entire year (for the third abusive message/comment). Silenced users are marked with a mute icon on the Global map and in the Ranking menu.

Single time Happiness modifier  

A factor with positive or negative effect on the Happiness applied on a single time basis, added to or subtracted from the current Happiness value just once.

To read the whole list of single time happiness modifiers click here.


Special features acquired by the Great people when they gain a new level of experience at the posts of governor and general. When a governor/general reaches next level of experience, the selection of a new skill is opened and the player can choose between two skills. All skills have 5 grades (or levels) so after acquiring the first skill for the post, the next two choices always include an upgrade of already owned skill and a new one.
Governors and generals can gain experience faster by paid training if you build the necessary levels of Gubernatorial headquarters and Headquarters in the Palace.
There are three categories of skills: general's skills, governor's skills and skills exclusive only to the Emperor.
All skills of a Great person can be reset by the player for the price of 3400 diamonds.

* In case bonuses from skills exceed 90%, which is possible with an additional bonus from government Monarchy, they will have maximum effect of 90%.

For more information about skills click here. You can see all types of skills here.


A Barbarian Tribe.
The Slavers are nomad people that hunt down and capture the defenseless commoners of territories they pass through. They then use them as slaves, or they sell them to even more remorseless 'civilized' merchants.
The Slavers have an army composition geared towards surprise skirmishes and pursuit, with little Infantry and abundance of Cavalry.
The reward for defeating a Slavers Camp is resources, and Liberated Population.

Slayer of Generals  

One of the skills available to Generals upon leveling up. Increases the chance of slaying the opposing General if you win the battle. Level 1: +5% chance; Level 2: +10% chance; Level 3: +20% chance; Level 4: +30% chance; Level 5: +50% chance

Small festival  

A modifier of the happiness with single time or gradual positive local or global effect on the current local Happiness value. It is organized at the Town Square and is paid in gold, costing 20% of the province population, but if you start mass small festivals in all provinces you'll pay half the price. Small festival have a basic effect +1 Happiness which is enhanced by 1 per each Town Square level. You can organize only one small festival per 24 hours.


Common word for all human kind military units, regardless the class.
Soldiers are: archers, spearmen, swordsmen and cavalrymen.


The owner of certain Empire, main Empire’s territories and colonies.

Spear Wall  

Unit Ability.

The Spear Wall ability negates the Charge ability of Cavalry type units.

The currently existing units with the Spear Wall ability are:

- Heavy Spearman
- Phalanx
- Heroic spearman

Spearman (Army Unit Type)  

Infantry units, cheap and reliable, with great Pillage Strength and Carrying Capacity. They have the ability break the enemy Cavalry's Charge, and they're also efficient at storming Fortress walls during Fortress Siege.

Spearmen units are best countered by Archers.

All Spearmen units are Melee units.
All Spearmen units are Infantry units.
Light and Heavy Spearmen have their Priority Deployment on the Flanks; Phalanx have their Priority Deployment on the Frontline Center.
All Spearmen units are trained at the Infantry Barracks.

Common Unit Abilities:

+ Polearm

- Vulnerable to Archers
- Hand-to-Hand Disadvantage

List of Spearmen units:

- Light Spearmen
- Heavy Spearmen
- Phalanx
- Heroic Spearmen

For details on Spearmen unit stats, click here.

Special resource terrain  

Bonus terrains for colonies or trading posts distributed randomly through the Global map. They grant different types of bonuses with global effect on the whole Empire. Attacks upon colonies or trading posts established on Special resource terrains have no limits for net worth points range and, consequently, no morale, honor and attack penalties applied to the attacker.

For more information about special resources and bonuses click here.


Unit's parameter determining the velocity a unit is moving with on the Global map. Αll units have certain speed measured in Imperial miles (IM) per hour. On a mission whole army’s speed is the one of the slowest sent unit. Travel time is reduced by Cartography levels.

Speed coefficient  

Αpart from Imperial miles, unitsspeed can be represented in speed coefficient which shows up when you send your army on a mission. Speed coefficient 1 = 80 IM/h.


Military technology which increases the maximum number of free attacks in Caves of Conquest by 1 per level.

Maximum level: 5

Spiritual Leader  

One of the skills available to Governors upon leveling up. Grants a daily Happiness bonus. Level 1: +2 Happiness; Level 2: +4 Happiness; Level 3: +6 Happiness; Level 4: +8 Happiness; Level 5: +12 Happiness


Special Unit.
Trained in: Spy School
Prerequisites: Espionage 1

Spy actions are available in the Command Center, Espionage menu.

Available actions: Counterespionage, Espionage Mission, Scouting Mission

+ Countermeasures: Each Spy in a Holding increases the chance of repelling enemy Espionage Missions, and the chance of expulsing currently infiltrated Spies
+ Spy Network: Each Spy in a single Espionage Mission increases the chance of evading enemy Countermeasures
+ Scout: Each Spy in a single Scouting Mission reduces the duration of the Mission

For detailed unit stats, click here.

Spy Master  

One of the skills available to the Emperors upon gaining a Governor level. Grants bonus Espionage levels. Level 1: +1 level; Level 2: +2 levels; Level 3: +3 levels; Level 4: +4 levels; Level 5: +5 levels

Spy School  

Military Building.
Type: Local, Training
Prerequisite Technologies: Military Doctrine 1, Counterespionage 1, Espionage 1
Maximum Level: 20

Allows the training of Spies. Each level increases the Training Capacity of the building.

Units that can be trained include:
- Spy


Produced by population hired in stone quarry. Stone is the main resource for fortress construction and is also required for other Buildings and Technologies.
Gold equivalent: 1 stone = 1 gold

Stone Cutter  

One of the skills available to Governors upon leveling up. Increases Stone Production. Level 1: +2% Production; Level 2: +4% Production; Level 3: +6% Production; Level 4: +8% Production; Level 5: +12% Production

Stone Prison  

A Global Event in the Realms of Game of Emperors. For more information about Global Events read here.

Stone Quarry  

Economic Building.
Type: Local, Production
Prerequisite Technologies: Architecture 1
Maximum Level: 35

Allows the production of Stone resource. Each level increases the Worker Capacity of the building.

Strong Center Formation  

Unlocked by 1st Tactics level.
Frontline – 10% of the Frontline army in each Flank, 70% in the Center and 10% in the Reserve.
Third linearchers – 10% of the archers in each Flank and 80% in the Center.

Strong Center with Balanced Archers Formation  

Unlocked by 4th Tactics level.
Frontline – 10% of the Frontline army in each Flank, 70% in the Center and 10% in the Reserve.
Third linearchers – 30% of the archers in each Flank and 40% in the Center.

Strong Center with Flanking Archers Formation  

Unlocked by 3rd Tactics level.
Frontline – 10% of the Frontline army in each Flank, 70% in the Center and 10% in the Reserve.
Third linearchers – 40% of the archers in each Flank and 20% in the Center.

Strong Flanks Formation  

Unlocked by 2nd Tactics level.
Frontline – 20% of the Frontline army in each Flank, 50% in the Center and 10% in the Reserve.
Third linearchers – 25% of the archers in each Flank and 50% in the Center.

Strong Flanks with Flanking Archers Formation  

Unlocked by 5th Tactics level.
Frontline – 20% of the Frontline army in each Flank, 50% in the Center and 10% in the Reserve.
Third linearchers – 40% of the archers in each Flank and 20% in the Center.


1.Every Emperor has an heir appointed automatically by the system. At the beginning of game the successor is the first born child of the Imperial couple. Players can change the successor whenever they wish.

For more information about succession click here.

2.A talent owned exclusively by the Emperor's heir. It grants a bonus of +5 morale in every battle and +5 happiness points daily in the province he is governing.

Supply train  

The gold amount, correspondent to the 24h upkeep in gold of the destroyed army, which the winner in the battle earns. Supply train gold doesn't require carrying capacity in order to be transported from the battle field to the Empire of origin. Destroying enemy supply wagons does not bring supply train.

Supply Wagon  

Army Unit.
Trained in: Siege Workshop

Supply Wagons can be sent on a Mission alongside other Army Units. Their high Carrying Capacity will considerably increase the amount of resources your army can bring in after a successful battle.

• Type: Support
• Priority Deployment: None

- Collateral Damage: If a battle is lost, this unit is destroyed

For detailed unit stats, click here.

Supreme General  

One of the skills available to the Emperors upon gaining a Governor level. Increases the Experience gain for all Generals. Level 1: +2% XP gain; Level 2: +4% XP gain; Level 3: +6% XP gain; Level 4: +10% XP gain; Level 5: +15% XP gain

Supreme Governor

One of the skills available to the Emperors upon gaining a Governor level. Increases the Experience gain for all Governors. Level 1: +2% XP gain; Level 2: +4% XP gain; Level 3: +6% XP gain; Level 4: +10% XP gain; Level 5: +15% XP gain

Swordsman (Army Unit Type)  

Versatile infantry units, that can easily take on most other units, the Swordsmen shine in particular during Fortress Siege. These hardy warriors are the first to be thrown against the Fortress walls in Fortress Assault, and they're more than capable to handle the task, especially when backed by sufficient number of Siege Engines.

Swordsmen are best countered by Cavalry

All Swordsman units are Melee units.
All Swordsman units are Infantry units.
All Swordsman units have their Priority Deployment on the Frontline Center.
All Swordsman units are trained at the Infantry Barracks.

Common Unit Abilities:

+ Assault Troop
+ Close Combat

- Vulnerable to Cavalry

List of Swordsman units:

- Light Swordsman
- Heavy Swordsman
- Guardian
- Heroic Swordsman

For details on Swordsman unit stats, click here.